
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Ode From A Dark Time...

I've been pretty absent from my blog lately, for a few different reasons.  One reason was because hubby and I were busily preparing our downstairs living area and backyard for Olivia's 4th birthday party on the 25th.  We had a lot of boxes still to go through, and a lot of the boxes contained random things from over the past 4 years.  Because that time has been rather turbulent, I've avoided going through the boxes.  There are journals that I've written in when I was at my sickest (with PND) and naturally, they're not exactly light reading! 

So when hubby came upstairs with a notebook in hand and said "I found this notebook from before... I think you need to read this entry...", I stopped what I was doing to give it my full attention.  He seemed very serious.

I was expecting something dark and confronting...

But I'd forgotten about this entry that I'd written one night as... well, you'll see...  ;-)

Not as dark and confronting as I thought it was going to be... ;-)



  1. Hilarious, Danielle. You are quite the poet!

  2. Hilarious Danielle, l think all women relate to that, well said...:0)

  3. lmao thats hilarious!

  4. Ok you've got me sitting on the couch giggling away :) Anyone with a hubby is going to appreciate that wonderful heartfelt piece of poetry!
    Kim xxx

  5. Too funny , Danielle! Very well written as well I must say, even with the subject! I too suffered from PND, twice, so I know the feeling! So good to see that there were some light moments for you! :) xx

  6. That is charming! Seriously! I can't wait to read that to my hubby! That is going to be "our song" Teeheehee... Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  7. OMG soooooooo funny. You really are quite the poet!

  8. OMG!!! Thank you for the laugh! Hope you feel crafty soon. Your work always inspires me.

  9. That was great. I'm still laughing!!
    Darlene G

  10. Fabulous!! Think you should send it to be published in a mag or paper. Love it!

  11. Definitely needs to be published! You sure are multitalented Danielle!

  12. Hilarious! You're quite the poet as well as an inspirational artist - multi talented. Thanks for sharing. Glad your dark times had some lighter moments. Take care.
    PS at least the farter in question shows some restraint under the doona (unlike someone I know.....)
