Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh Shoot! Shutter Speeds...

I'm currently doing an on-line photography course through called  Oh Shoot! Beginning Digital SLR Photography with Candice Stringham.  So far it's fabulous, and I'm less than a week in!  This week we're focusing on shutter speeds, and I thought I'd show you some the shots I took for our assignment.  All of these shots are straight out of the camera - that is, no editing (save for resizing for the web and adding my watermark).

Comparing shutter speeds...

And now that I know about shutter speeds I can finally catch some decent photos of our cat Bronte playing with a piece of string!  He's discovering his inner kitten lately...

I think it's Olivia's influence!  You wouldn't guess by his behaviour that he's 13 years old...



  1. Great shots Danielle! My cat is 18 and I have found since having Charlotte 5yrs ago, she, too, has found her inner kitten, but only on rare occasions these days sadly.

  2. These are fabulous Danielle. I really should learn more about my camera too!
